CES Saskatoon 2004 Themes


How has your work in the following areas led to reflection on evaluation theory and change in evaluation practice?

Working Intersectorally

More and more different sectors are working together to share expertise and resources. What challenges and opportunities arise during intersectoral evaluations? How are evaluation partnerships fostered? How are diverse interests addressed?

Working with Diverse Populations

Evaluators require flexibility and skill to work effectively with culturally diverse populations. What sensitivities do evaluators need in such situations? What ethical issues are raised by such evaluations?

Expanding Methodological Horizons

New conceptualizations, practices and technologies influence evaluation. What methodologies best foster evaluations that make a difference? What role (e.g. internet surveys) is technology playing in your evaluations?

Building Evaluation Capacity

Building capacity can be implicit or explicit in an evaluation. What methods and procedures work best in building evaluation capacity? What is, or should be, the role of the evaluator in capacity building? What are essential conditions for successful capacity building? And what constitutes success?


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